laboratory coordinate system造句
- Transforming this into a function for position as a function of time ( relative to some definite laboratory coordinate system ) is nasty and inconvenient-take a look at four-vector for the basics.
- Where " N " " s " is the surface number density of the adsorbed molecules, ? and ? are orientational angles relating the molecular coordinate system to the laboratory coordinate system, and represents the average value of x.
- For adsorbed molecules in a uniaxial distribution, the only independent hyperpolarizability tensor terms are ? z z z, ? z x x, and ? x x z where terms denote the molecular coordinate system as opposed to the laboratory coordinate system . ? can be related to ? ( 2 ) through orientational averages.
- It's difficult to see laboratory coordinate system in a sentence. 用laboratory coordinate system造句挺难的
如何用laboratory coordinate system造句,用laboratory coordinate system造句,laboratory coordinate system in a sentence, 用laboratory coordinate system造句和laboratory coordinate system的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。